August 23, 2007

All Work and No Play Has Turned Me Into a Porn Film Producer

And today, a very special post goes up on, where I write just about every day about one awesome song, and I even give you a link for you to listen to it. If you're not familiar with Rachael Pollard, I hope you'll at least listen to "Crazy For You" and see what you think.

So...I haven't been out and about much (meaning: "on the Internet") since I've been busy helping to produce an 8-minute silent porn comedy for the HUMP festival (if you know someone that might be interested in a role, let me know). I'm also working a new job, apartment hunting, and preparing for yet another newer job I'll start in a few weeks.

August 15, 2007


Ever notice that about half* of all Missed Connections in Seattle occur in Starbucks? I think there is a correlation of some kind.

* A subjective number.**

** Not actually, but I'm using it that way.

August 01, 2007