Perspective Drawings of Environments near Black Holes
Photographs of Missing LEGO Bricks
Stalwart Displays of Loyalty Expressed only in Song and Locally-Grown Produce
Brand New Works by Aaron's Favorite Artists, Living or Dead
Spontaneous Art Created Right Now While You're Watching, Using Your Limbs without Detaching or Hurting Them
(And if you've always wanted to subscribe to SPAM Publishing, the free literary e-mail publication, send a message to Right now, in addition to 12 free issues every year, you'll also get the latest back issue!)
Photographs of Missing LEGO Bricks
Stalwart Displays of Loyalty Expressed only in Song and Locally-Grown Produce
Brand New Works by Aaron's Favorite Artists, Living or Dead
Spontaneous Art Created Right Now While You're Watching, Using Your Limbs without Detaching or Hurting Them
(And if you've always wanted to subscribe to SPAM Publishing, the free literary e-mail publication, send a message to Right now, in addition to 12 free issues every year, you'll also get the latest back issue!)